Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Everything I Know About Marketing I Learned From My Dog

Author: Tracy DeYoung ? | ? June 27th, 2012

It?s true. My dog, Jake, is a marketing genius!

I?m serious. This dog could convince you to buy a popsicle in the middle of an Alaskan blizzard. He has me trained to walk him in the middle of a rain storm on a muddy path battling hordes of mosquitos while running a fever of 102.

My dog Jake is the king of? persuasion and I do what he commands.

Now imagine if you?re prospects did the same. Imagine if when you wanted them to go to your website they did, of if you wanted them to call you they did, or when you wanted them to sign up for your services or buy your products they did ? as you commanded.

The truth is marketing is just that, training your prospects to respond, training them to call you and training them to spend money with you.

Marketing and selling involve just two things.

Stimulus and response. That?s it.

Once you understand how simple it is you can use the idea to train your customers to buy, the same way my dog Jake has trained me to attend to his needs, even in the dead of winter or during a summer rainstorm.

So, if it?s so easy, then why do most small business owners fail?

They lack a training program, I mean marketing plan for training customers to buy.

Now if you?re a dog and you want to train your owner, it?s simple. When you want something, say to go out in the yard, you can sit by the back door, bark or start running around in circles. And when you do, your owner responds.

And once you?ve learned how to get your owner?s attention, you just do the same thing every time and he or she will respond.

Or if you?re a pet owner and you want to turn the tables and train your dog, you do the same thing ? you reward them with a treat or a pat for doing the right thing until they learn the behavior you?re after.

Same in marketing.

Make a list of each behavior you want to train your ideal clients to demonstrate and then think of what stimulus you can provide to get them to take action, again and again.

Of course, the first step is to train them to read your content, your web content, your emails, etc. Then you can train them to watch your videos, and finally once they know you, like you and trust you, train them to buy from you.

A word to the wise. Don?t use doggie treats. Do use killer headlines, tips and ideas, free reports, free video tutorials, and irresistible offers. Here?s how >>

Once you realize how simple marketing is, that it?s just a matter of providing the right stimulus, you?ll get the response you want, and your business will take off.

Whoops! Got to go, my dog Jake says it?s time for his morning walk.

Last updated by Tracy DeYoung.

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