Monday, January 21, 2013

How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?

The answer to the simple question in that headline is surprisingly hard to come by. So Slate and the Twitter feed @GunDeaths are collecting data for our crowdsourced interactive. This data is necessarily incomplete. But the more people who are paying attention, the better the data will be. You can help us draw a more complete picture of gun violence in America. If you know about a gun death in your community that isn?t represented here, please tweet @GunDeaths with a citation. (If you?re not on Twitter, you can email And if you?d like to use this data yourself for your own projects, it?s open. You can download it here.

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function checkState(value,type){ for(var i=states.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if(value.toLowerCase()==states[i][type].toLowerCase()){ return true; } } return false; } function convert_state(name, to) { var output = false; for(var i=states.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if (to=='name') { if (states[i]['abbrev'].toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()){ output = states[i]['name']; break; } } else if(to=='abbrev') { if (states[i]['name'].toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()){ output = states[i]['abbrev'].toUpperCase(); break; } } } return output; } function parseDate(input) { //input: a string, MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY. returns a date. var parts = input.match(/(\d+)/g); if(parts!=null && parts.length>0){ if(parts.length==1){ //if month is specified but nothing else var today = new Date(); var todayDate = today.getDate(); var month; if(parts[0]todayDate){ //date is in last month month = today.getMonth(); } parts = [month,parts[0],today.getFullYear()] } else if(parts.length==2){ //if month and date are specified but not year var today = new Date(); var todayMonth = today.getMonth(); var year; if(parts[0]-1todayMonth){ //greater than this month, so last year year = today.getFullYear()-1; } parts.push(year); } else if(parts[2].length==2){ //if year is specified but the millenium is not specified parts[2] = '20'+parts[2]; } var output = new Date(parts[2], parts[0]-1, parts[1]); if(output=='Invalid Date'){ output = new Date(Date.parse(input)); } return output; } return false; } function decodeDate(input){ //receives a YYYY-MM-DD string and returns a date var date = input.split('-'); date= new Date(parseInt(date[0]),parseInt(date[1])-1,date[2]); return date; } if(!Array.indexOf){ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj){ for(var i=0; i

Deaths by City Click a circle to filter deaths by location.


  • Any Age Group
  • Adult
  • Teen
  • Child

Matched Deaths: or more since Newtown

Show Methodology

Each victim under 13 years of age is designated "child"; from 13 to 17: "teen"; 18 and older: "adult."

The same icons used to represent male victims is also used to represent victims of unknown gender.

The same icons used to represent adult victims is also used to represent victims of unknown age group.

The yellow and blue backgrounds represent alternating days.

The information is collected by @gunDeaths from news reports about the deaths. The Slate interactives team and @gunDeaths continually manages and revises the data.

The data are not comprehensive because not all gun-related deaths are reported by the news media. For example, suicides often go unreported.


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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Value of Pet Poop, And Picking It Up | Steve Dale's Pet World

Value of Pet Poop, And Picking It Up

Your dog or cats poop is a kind of Google on your pet's health. Pay attention it. I've been saying this for quite some time, even spoke about the etiquette of picking up after your pup on The Oprah Winfrey Show a number of years ago. That's one reason why Dr. Donna Solomon's blog about feces struck a cord. She mentions how everyone in the studio blushed when Dr. Mehmet Oz talked poop on an Oprah show.

There are many details about poop.

Picking up isn't only is the?neighborly?thing to do - it's for the best interest of all pets in the community.?It's true there are some potential health issues to people, according to veterinary?parisitologist Dr. Dwight Bowman of the?Companion Animal Parasite Council?and Cornell University College of?Veterinary Medicine including roundworm, salmonella andcamplobacteriosis. Giardia, roundworm and whipworm can be spread to
other dogs, even the parvovirus to those not vaccinated

Also, as one now retired Chicago Alderman famously said "Dog poop is like caviar for rats." That's not exactly true in that rats don't relish dog poop - but like most things, they will cheerily eat the poo if they're hungry enough.

And at this time of year, complaints skyrocket across the nation. I don't know why, but people believe the stuff is going to somehow disintegrate if there's snow. Or in the winter, maybe people are just too cold to bend over and pick up.

And leaving it out, may mean another dog will scarf up the poo. A community service? Well, not quite. Dogs that eat other dog's "stuff" have a condition known as coprophagia.

When you do pick up, I am a fan of biodegradable poop bags (of course, I am.).

Also, as Solomon so well describes in her blog, "The Scoop on Your Pet's Poop," what comes out the other end offers great insight into your pet's overall health. Hope you're not eating as you read this - but it's true, color, consistency, shape/size,?frequency?and location all matter.

And as Solomon says - and I agree, next time your pet poos, don't look away....instead, pay attention and then either pick it up outside or scoop the cat box inside. And get a clothespin.




Filed under: cats, dogs, pets, veterinary health

Tags: coprophagia, Dr. Donna Solomon, frozen pet poo, pet feces, pet poop, scoop cat box, Scoop the Poop, scooping after dog, Steve Dale archives, value of pet poop


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Loneliness, like chronic stress, taxes the immune system, researchers find

Jan. 19, 2013 ? New research links loneliness to a number of dysfunctional immune responses, suggesting that being lonely has the potential to harm overall health.

Researchers found that people who were more lonely showed signs of elevated latent herpes virus reactivation and produced more inflammation-related proteins in response to acute stress than did people who felt more socially connected.

These proteins signal the presence of inflammation, and chronic inflammation is linked to numerous conditions, including coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease, as well as the frailty and functional decline that can accompany aging.

Reactivation of a latent herpes virus is known to be associated with stress, suggesting that loneliness functions as a chronic stressor that triggers a poorly controlled immune response.

"It is clear from previous research that poor-quality relationships are linked to a number of health problems, including premature mortality and all sorts of other very serious health conditions. And people who are lonely clearly feel like they are in poor-quality relationships," said Lisa Jaremka, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State University and lead author of the research.

"One reason this type of research is important is to understand how loneliness and relationships broadly affect health. The more we understand about the process, the more potential there is to counter those negative effects -- to perhaps intervene. If we don't know the physiological processes, what are we going to do to change them?"

The results are based on a series of studies conducted with two populations: a healthy group of overweight middle-aged adults and a group of breast cancer survivors. The researchers measured loneliness in all studies using the UCLA Loneliness Scale, a questionnaire that assesses perceptions of social isolation and loneliness.

Jaremka will present the research January 19 at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting in New Orleans.

The researchers first sought to obtain a snapshot of immune system behavior related to loneliness by gauging levels of antibodies in the blood that are produced when herpes viruses are reactivated.

Participants were 200 breast cancer survivors who were between two months and three years past completion of cancer treatment with an average age of 51 years. Their blood was analyzed for the presence of antibodies against Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus.

Both are herpes viruses that infect a majority of Americans. About half of infections do not produce illness, but once a person is infected, the viruses remain dormant in the body and can be reactivated, resulting in elevated antibody levels, or titers -- again, often producing no symptoms but hinting at regulatory problems in the cellular immune system.

Lonelier participants had higher levels of antibodies against cytomegalovirus than did less lonely participants, and those higher antibody levels were related to more pain, depression and fatigue symptoms. No difference was seen in Epstein-Barr virus antibody levels, possibly because this reactivation is linked to age and many of these participants were somewhat older, meaning reactivation related to loneliness would be difficult to detect, Jaremka said.

Previous research has suggested that stress can promote reactivation of these viruses, also resulting in elevated antibody titers.

"The same processes involved in stress and reactivation of these viruses is probably also relevant to the loneliness findings," Jaremka said. "Loneliness has been thought of in many ways as a chronic stressor -- a socially painful situation that can last for quite a long time."

In an additional set of studies, the scientists sought to determine how loneliness affected the production of proinflammatory proteins, or cytokines, in response to stress. These studies were conducted with 144 women from the same group of breast cancer survivors and a group of 134 overweight middle-aged and older adults with no major health problems.

Baseline blood samples were taken from all participants, who were then subjected to stress -- they were asked to deliver an impromptu five-minute speech and perform a mental arithmetic task in front of a video camera and three panelists. Researchers followed by stimulating the participants' immune systems with lipopolysaccharide, a compound found on bacterial cell walls that is known to trigger an immune response.

In both populations, those who were lonelier produced significantly higher levels of a cytokine called interleukin-6, or IL-6, in response to acute stress than did participants who were more socially connected. Levels of another cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, also rose more dramatically in lonelier participants than in less lonely participants, but the findings were significant by statistical standards in only one study group, the healthy adults.

In the study with breast cancer survivors, researchers also tested for levels of the cytokine interleukin 1-beta, which was produced at higher levels in lonelier participants.

When the scientists controlled for a number of factors, including sleep quality, age and general health measures, the results were the same.

"We saw consistency in the sense that more lonely people in both studies had more inflammation than less lonely people," Jaremka said.

"It's also important to remember the flip side, which is that people who feel very socially connected are experiencing more positive outcomes," she said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University, via Newswise. The original article was written by Emily Caldwell.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Colosseum cleaning yields old frescos, graffiti

ROME (AP) ? A long-delayed restoration of the Colosseum's only intact internal passageway has yielded ancient traces of red, black, green and blue frescoes ? as well as graffiti and drawings of phallic symbols ? indicating that the arena where gladiators fought was far more colorful than previously thought.

Officials unveiled the discoveries Friday and said the passageway ? between the second and third levels of the 1st Century Colosseum ? would open to the public starting this summer, after the ?80,000 ($100,000) restoration is completed.

The frescoes were hidden under decades of calcified rock and grime, and were revealed during a cleaning and restoration project over the last two months. The traces confirmed that while the Colosseum today is a fairly monochrome gray travertine rock, red brick and moss-covered marble, in its day its interior halls were a rich and expensive Technicolor.

"We're used to thinking that during excavations, archaeological surprises are a risk for builders and for the city's development," Rome archaeological heritage superintendent Mariarosaria Barbera said. "But here is a beautiful archaeological surprise ... a monument that has been studied and known and appreciated across the world, yet still provides surprises."

While intriguing, none of the fragments restored so far rival the gorgeous frescoes found in other nearby ruins of the Roman Forum, such as the 6th century biblical scenes in the Santa Maria Antiqua church. But officials stressed that they are nevertheless remarkable because they give a very different impression of what the Colosseum must have looked like in its heyday.

Colosseum director Rosella Rea said less than 1 percent of the painted surfaces of the Colosseum remain. And while the exposed seating area was covered in white marble, "the insides, the galleries, all the corridors and transverse hallways were completely colored."

"We need to imagine a building with extreme contrasts of color," she said. "This was a surprise."

Many of the splashes of color are covered with layers of more recent graffiti. "Ricciu" signed his name there with the date 1943. "Maria" and "Filippo" did as well. Someone else left some drawings in 1620.

But there are also older types of graffiti as well that officials say may date from the 3rd century, after the Colosseum was restored following a fire in A.D. 217.

A red palm frond and a drawing of a crown are believed to have been drawn by a gladiator fan as he or she passed through the passageway, officials said. Another restored section has images of a phallus, which officials said was commonly drawn for good luck.

Asked how such details could have gone undetected for nearly 2,000 years, officials said flatly: money. There simply wasn't funding available to carry out the restoration of the passageway, which Rea said had been a goal for her office for 20 years.

Aside from the hallway cleaning, the Colosseum is set to undergo ?25 million ($33.31 million) head-to-toe restoration funded by Italian businessman Diego Della Valle, founder of the Tod's shoe empire. The effort is primarily designed to shore up the monument, one of the world's most famous, which is crumbling under years of neglect.

Pieces of masonry and rock have fallen from the rafters, and the travertine is covered in gray dirt from car exhaust and pollution. The nearby subway rattles its foundations, such that the Colosseum has begun sinking in the same way the Leaning Tower of Pisa does, with a 40-centimeter (nearly 16-inch) inclination on its south side.

"It's not serious, but it needs to be restored," Rea said, noting the last major restoration was carried out in the 1970s. "The later you start, the worse it is."

Work has been delayed because of court challenges to the contract bidding process, with the latest hearing this week put off until the end of the month.

Rome Mayor Gianni Alemanno complained this week that the delays were "exasperating."


Follow Nicole Winfield at


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Kim Dotcom's Mega cloud storage launches for early adopters

Kim Dotcom's Mega cloud storage launches for early adopters, teases 4TB for big spenders

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom has been promising what's almost a sort of renaissance through his Mega cloud storage service. Now that it's open to the first wave of users, we have an inkling of what that strategy shift entails. Mega is currently just a simple-to-use parking place for data with a relatively large 50GB of storage in a free tier. However, it may grow quickly: there's promises of Google Docs-style editing, instant messaging and mobile access, among other plans. Eventual paid plans will offer considerably more storage of between 500GB for €10 per month ($13) to 4TB for €30 ($40), albeit with a bandwidth cap of twice the storage at any given level. As such, Mega is mostly a bundle of potential -- but it may stand out from the pack if ambition matches reality.

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Source: TechCrunch


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NFL playoff schedule

Published: Jan. 18, 2013 at 12:20 AM

NEW YORK, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- NFL playoff schedule:

(All times EST)


Wild-card games

Jan. 5


No. 3 Houston 19, No. 6 Cincinnati 13


No. 3 Green Bay 24, No. 6 Minnesota 10


Jan. 6


No. 4 Baltimore 24, No. 5 Indianapolis 9


No. 5 Seattle 24 No. 4 Washington 14



Divisional playoffs

Jan. 12


No. 4 Baltimore 38, No. 1 Denver 35 (2OT)


No. 2 San Francisco 45, No. 3 Green Bay 31


Jan. 13


No. 1 Atlanta 30, No. 5 Seattle 28



No. 2 New England 41, No. 3 Houston 28



Conference championships

Jan. 20

NFC Championship

No. 2 San Francisco at No. 1 Atlanta, 3 p.m.


AFC Championship

No. 4 Baltimore at No. 2 New England, 6:30 p.m.



Jan. 27

Pro Bowl at Honolulu

AFC vs. NFC, 7 p.m.



Feb. 3

Super Bowl XLVII at New Orleans

6:30 p.m.

AFC Champion vs. NFC Champion


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Friday, January 18, 2013

Fans react on Twitter to Adkins sacking

We took to Twitter to gauge the reaction of fans and celebrities to the news of Nigel Adkins being axed at Southampton.

Nigel Adkins helped Southampton out of the bottom three with a record of two defeats in the club?s last 12 matches.

Apparently, that?s not good enough and he?s been replaced by Mauricio Pochettino, former manager of Espanyol.

Here?s what the masses are saying and it?s not good;

@th14Renato - Back to back promotions, doing well in EPL, play good football, give chance to young players, and is sacked. What a joke. #Adkins

@thatsagoal - Is this the worst managerial sacking of all time? #Adkins

@GoonerPaulG - Sack the guy that got you where you are and replace him with a virtual unknown with 0 PL experience. Ridiculous decision. #Adkins

@Liamgouldson - Hope Southampton get violently relegated after sacking Adkins, goes to show how top level football is progressing #AMF #Adkins

@gareyefc1982 - Joke decision that must have been getting a manager in behind his back. Think that decision will come back to haunts them #adkins #saintsfc

@Towno10 - Football has gone CRAZY again!! #Adkins

@apuffoflogic27 - I don't think there is a Saints fan who isn't ashamed of their club right now. Scandalous and downright wrong decision #Adkins

@BigBettingBlog - 22 points from 22 games, 3 points above relegation zone. Came from 2-0 down to earn a point at Stamford Bridge 2 days ago. Sacked. #Adkins

@JoshMay_PH - Sacking a successful manager for a slightly younger model with more 'flair'. Worked well for Blackburn I suppose. #adkins

@stereohaven - Just heard the news about #Adkins Ridiculous decision, I hope the Saints fans rip the board a new one.

@RossIngle - I wish #adkins nothing but the best. Did a wonderful job at #saints Asbolute shocker of a decision

@chiller1984 - Back to back promotions, unbeaten in 5, & 15th in Premier League, apparently = grounds for dismissal! #Adkins #Southampton #JokeOfAClub

@jackwhitehall - Poor Nigel Adkins why do teams do this all the time! Hope he finds a new club. Chelsea will need a new manager soon that's a nice safe job.

Don?t hold back Saints fans! Agree with these?

image: ? mischatuffield

Lewis Doe Profile Pic

Lewis Doe

Lewis Doe is a freelance writer and editor who seeks to bring you the biggest, smallest and most interesting stories from the football world. Lewis has previously written for some of the biggest football news and opinion sites in the world including FootballFanCast and International. Lewis is also experienced writing in the betting industry and aims to deliver his stories with up to date factual and statistical information. He hopes to sum up stories for the site and provide an angle on the issue moving forward.


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Video Interviews with the Cast of The Last Stand: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johnny Knoxville, and more

The Last Stand dislodges all winter icicles hanging from your soul with plenty of fast cars, action, and good guys vs. bad guys fun.

Grae Drake talks to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johny Knoxville, Jaimie Alexander, Forest Whitaker, and Rodrigo Santoro about horsepower and The Law.


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Troops kill seven at Somali school

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thinking of getting a payday loan online? Don't do it


By Herb Weisbaum, TODAY contributor

The bills need to be paid and you don?t have enough money. A short-term payday loan may seem like the only option to get you past the crisis.

These days, payday loans are just a mouse click away. And some of the offers are mighty tempting: a ?guaranteed? loan without a credit check.

Better watch out: This could be a set-up for a scam.

Because of the exorbitant interest rates, payday loans are never a good deal for the borrower, but using an unknown online payday loan store can be even worse.

According to the National Consumers League?s Fraud Center, scammers are creating bogus payday loan sites to snag their victims. These sites look completely legitimate. Some even have fake video testimonials to instill confidence.

After the application is completed, the soon-to-become victim is contacted by the scammer who has good news: The loan can be processed as soon as they wire money to cover the taxes or insurance or application fee. ?All of these fees are bogus and should never be paid.

?Unfortunately, the loan never appears and the consumer is left holding the bag,? said John Breyault, director of NCL?s Fraud Center. ?Even worse, the victims are asked to send more and more money to collect the fictitious loan. These scammers are very good at stringing you along and putting the pressure on if you refuse to pay any more.?

The requests for payments normally continue until the victim catches on to the con or simply runs out of money.

Sade Wells of Philadelphia knows how convincing the bad guys can be. She needed money to move to a new apartment and applied for a $1,000 loan from an online payday loan store.

James Smith (you can bet that?s not his real name) called and told Wells she was approved for the loan once she wired the company $245. She did.

Smith called again. This time he told Wells the loan had to be insured before it could be transferred to her bank account. That would cost another $375. So she wired off the money.

By the time Wells pulled the plug on this scam, she had wired the company $1,600. In hindsight, she realizes this was foolish, but at the time Smith assured her she?d get the money back with the loan.

?I?m mad. I?m late on my rent and I can?t move now,? she told me. ?I?m hoping and praying that I can get my money back.?

Unfortunately, that?s not likely to happen.

It isn?t easy to track down these online scammers. They?re very good at hiding. They use fake street addresses and anonymous IP addresses. They change names and locations to avoid law enforcement. They may even be operating from a foreign country.

Warning: This is not an isolated case. People across the country are being taken for large sums of money. They tell similar stories of being instructed to send payment after payment to get a loan that never came.

Other potential dangers
To apply for an online payday loan, you need to supply personal information, such as your bank account and Social Security number. Ask yourself, do you really want to give this sensitive information to an unknown company via the web? Fraud experts tell me it isn?t worth the risk.

?The offer of short-term, quick-approval loans could simply be a vehicle to gather personal identifying information from desperate consumers for no other purpose than identity theft,? said Adam Levin, chairman of IdentityTheft911.

And what will the company do with this information, even if it isn?t run by crooks?

?We see a huge number of websites that are designed not to originate loans, but to collect personal information and sell it to the highest bidder,? said Tom Feltner, director of financial services at the Consumer Federation of America. ?We call them lead-generators rather than lenders.?

By giving out this information, you could wind up getting bombarded with more fraudulent offers.

Protect yourself
These tips from the National Consumers League will help you spot and avoid advance-fee loan scams:

  • If you are asked to pay money to get money, it?s probably a scam.
    While most legitimate payday lenders charge a hefty fee, this is generally assessed when you repay the loan. Requests for up-front fees before a loan can be granted are a sure sign that something is fishy.
  • If you?re asked to wire money or put money on a prepaid card before you can get a loan, it?s a scam.
    Online payday loan scammers usually ask for fictitious ?fees? to be wired via Western Union or Moneygram. These are bogus. In a new twist, scammers are also telling victims to load funds onto a prepaid card. Victims are then instructed to either send that card to the fake lender or provide the access code on the back of the card which gives the con artists access to all the money on that card.
  • Just because an online payday lender looks legitimate doesn?t mean it is.
    Online payday loan scammers are experts at setting up legitimate-looking websites and providing official-looking documentation. If you?re not familiar with a company, don?t rely on these materials. Check with your state banking regulators, the Better Business Bureau, and your state?s corporation commission to make sure the business is legit.

If you?ve been approached by or lost money to an online payday loan scam, report it to NCL?s Fraud Center. This information will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

The bottom line
A payday loan should be your last option for getting some cash. If you truly have no other alternative, visit a brick-and-mortar store in your area. At least you know they?re regulated in some way by your state government. You also know where to find them if there?s a problem with your transaction.

Herb Weisbaum is The ConsumerMan. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter or visit The ConsumerMan website.

More Info:



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Video: Lack of women in Obama?s second-term cabinet hits sore spot

An EU without Britain? Europe frets

LONDON -- Britain is so close to continental Europe ? the English Channel is just 26 miles across at its narrowest point -- that people sometimes swim to France. But, politically, the country has arguably not been further away for decades.


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Syst?me Windows Phone 7 & 8 :: RE: W8 optimiser l'occupation de l'?cran

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Utilisateur n?ophyte

Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
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?#1?MessagePost? le: 14/01/2013 18:40?? ?Sujet du message: W8 optimiser l'occupation de l'?cran R?pondre en citant

Sans vouloir remettre en cause l'OS, la place prise par certains titres comme dans CONTACT ou le bandeau noir sup?rieur de l'?cran d'accueil, me g?ne et je trouve, s'oppose ? la d?marche d'optimisation du syst?me ...ou est-ce de la place r?serv?e pour de la Pub ? venir...?
Une r?cup?ration de ces espaces est-il possible ????
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?#2?MessagePost? le: Hier ? 09:43?? ?Sujet du message: R?pondre en citant

Non tu peux tout r?duire. Par contre si c'est une appli WP7 qui s'ajuste ? la r?solution de WP8, possible qu'il y ait de l'espace perdu
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?#3?MessagePost? le: Hier ? 19:42?? ?Sujet du message: R?pondre en citant

Merci de ta r?ponse.
Mais j'aimerais savoir s'il existe une soluce pour diminuer la taille de ces bandeaux d'origine. Une esth?tique qui fait perdre de l'int?r?t au syst?me et je trouverais logique d'afficher + de 7 contacts sur un ?cran de 4.3 !
Ce sont peut-?tre les exigences d'une utilisation trop orient?e pro.
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Inscrit le: 26 Sep 2006
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?#4?MessagePost? le: Hier ? 19:49?? ?Sujet du message: R?pondre en citant

Ah non tu ne peux pas changer cela dans "Contacts"
Mais bon honn?tement tu ne t'y retrouve pas avec la loupiotte?
SPV1G 12-2003/09-2005 - SPV C600 09-2005/01-2007 - HTC P3300 01-2007/05-2008 - HTC Touch Cruise 05-2008/11-2008 - HTC Touch HD 11-2008/04-2010 - HTC HD2 04-2010
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Healthy Huntsville announces programs for 2013 ...

(From release) Mayor Tommy Battle announced the 2013 kick off for the city-wide Healthy Huntsville initiative designed to reduce obesity by promoting healthy eating and active lifestyles.Health and fitness related events and programs will be available throughout the year at no cost to participants.

To lead the initiative, the Mayor has assembled a team to shape the 2013 program including the City of Huntsville, HudsonAlpha, Huntsville City Schools, Huntsville Hospital, and the Madison County Health Department. The non-profits are working to create at least one activity per week for the year, and they are encouraging other organizations in the community to join the cause and take action to reduce the incidence of obesity and its health and economic impacts in Huntsville.

?Last year, we launched Healthy Huntsville with activities that included fitness and recreation opportunities and nutrition programs,? said Mayor Battle.? We will continue that push this year, but we will also be promoting programs, policies and actions designed to reduce food deserts, promote the availability of locally-grown foods, encourage restaurants to offer healthy menu items, and to increase the number of recreational opportunities available to our citizens.?

Obesity is a significant threat to every city in America, and experts say the epidemic is particularly alarming in children. This may be the first generation of Americans who may live sicker and die younger than their parents. The journal Health Affairs reports that ?80 percent of children who were overweight at ages 10-15 were obese at age 25.? What children eat and drink at school and the amount of daily exercise they receive is critically important.

That is why the Healthy Huntsville leadership team is excited to add Huntsville City Schools to its partnership. ?We have been proactive in facilitating healthier standards across the board for our students,? said Dr. Casey Wardynski, Superintendent for Huntsville City Schools. ?This includes making certain our cafeteria menus meet or exceed all of the newest guidelines outlined under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Act.? We also have a breakfast in the classroom program in over a dozen of our schools that is offered free of charge.? Studies show that kids are less likely to be overweight if they start the day off with a healthy breakfast.? The program has the added benefit of improving test scores and a decreasing absenteeism.?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, Alabama is one of three states where more than 50 percent of young adults are obese. Statistics are not available for Madison County, and the Healthy Huntsville team is pleased to announce that City Schools will now assist the Madison County Health Department in tracking data on the health of our children.

?I am excited to be part of this team and community effort in combatting obesity,? said Dr. Lawrence Robey, Director of the Madison County Health Department. ?Overweight children and adults are at a higher risk for serious for life-threatening health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and asthma. Research also links lack of exercise to dementia and poor diets to cancer, not to mention the implied mobility issues. Every major chronic disease is affected by obesity, and a community wide intervention like Healthy Huntsville can make a difference.?

HudsonAlpha?s focus in the partnership is in genetics and research. ?Regardless of genetic susceptibility and exposures, we can each make a decision to work toward prevention with a healthy diet and incorporating regular physical activities into our day,? said O?Neal Smitherman, Executive Vice-President for HudsonAlpha.

Another Healthy Huntsville team leader, Huntsville Hospital, will work again with the City?s Parks & Recreation and Green Team departments to offer free wellness sessions, physical fitness opportunities, hikes and nature walks, yoga by the river, nutrition information and more.

?You don?t have to be athletic to be physically fit,? said Kevin Ready, Director of Huntsville Hospital?s Wellness Center. ?We look forward to sharing lots of tips for keeping active whether you work at a computer all day or stand on your feet.?

The financial consequences of poor diets and inactivity also are significant. The cost of adult obesity in the United States is estimated to be as high as $147 billion per year.

?We want to tackle this issue head on with innovative ideas and group thinking to help Huntsville citizens make smart decisions to lead healthy lifestyles,? said Mayor Battle. ?If we can work together to prevent problems before they occur, we can lower health care costs and improve our quality of life.?

The Healthy Huntsville leadership team has selected Our Valley Events, a community online events website, for the official Healthy Huntsville calendar. Point your browser to www.ourvalleyevents/healthy-huntsville for a complete listing of free Healthy Huntsville activities. The first opportunity comes this week with Scale Back Alabama (, the state?s 10-week weight loss and activity program.

Community organizations wishing to sponsor a Healthy Huntsville event are encouraged to visit the Healthy Huntsville website at and submit their ideas. A big salute to Adriane Scott Designs for creating a Healthy Huntsville logo to identify the city-wide program.

Healthy Huntsville generated exceptional community wide support last year with programs sponsored by partners such as Star Market, Fleet Feet, Sterling Health, YMCA, the Matrix, Huntsville Botanical Gardens, Mitzi Connell yoga, The Huntsville Times, Regions Bank, Joe Martin Fitness, Katherine Orton Fitness, Green Street Market, Madison County Farmer?s Market, Food Bank of North Alabama, Lowe Mill, 24/7 Get Fit, Adventure Boot Camp, Riviera Fitness, Robert McAdory Training, Soles Dance Center, SportsMed, Whitnye Lolley, Yoga Center, Huntsville Hospital Diabetes Control Center, and the North Alabama Dietetic Association.


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Staging Your Home to Sell - Tips for Making Rooms Larger - Living ...



No matter what size your home is, being stuck inside all winter can make anyone claustrophobic. While this isn?t the best time of year to build room additions, there are simple steps you can take to make any space seem larger.Do use mirrors.?The best and least expensive way to make smaller rooms appear bigger is to decorate walls with mirrors. Choose locations where the mirror will reflect the light back into the room to add warmth and depth.

Home Staging Tip #1:??? Don?t neglect lighting.

Lighting is crucial when it comes to opening your space. Maximize any natural light available by getting rid of heavy draperies. Add more lamps at varying levels to give the room a glow, and install track lighting to make sure every corner is well lit.

Home Staging Tip #2:??? Do choLiving Room Staged and Photographed to Appear Largeose a lighter color scheme.

Pale, cool colors will reflect the light and make the walls appear farther apart. Add visual impact to your space by separating the walls into blocks of color using gentle tones.

Home Staging Tip #3:??? Don?t get hung up.

Your wall art should be hung at eye level or about 60 inches from the floor. Hanging items too high will make your ceiling seem lower.

Home Staging Tip #4:??? Do space things out.

Instead of pushing your furniture against the walls, give pieces some breathing room by playing with interesting angles. You can also choose one large statement piece ? like an armchair or coffee table ? and fill in gaps around it.

See my previous post ? BEFORE/AFTER/VACANT photos

Also ? check out my Pinterest Boards ? Staging your Home to Sell and Before & After ?

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Non-profit rule forces MCOT to drop terrestrial channel plan - The ...

Home ? business ? Non-profit rule forces MCOT to drop terrestrial channel plan

Watchiranont Thongtep
The Nation January 15, 2013 1:00 am

However, MCOT's plan to bid for three commercial licences to operate channels for children/family, news/information and general programmes remains unchanged. As well, it wants to have an operating licence for a high-definition channel.

According to National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission regulations, the operator of a public digital terrestrial TV channel is not allowed to make a profit, but may earn just enough revenue to run the business. This might have been a problem for the listed MCOT.

Executive vice president Sura Gaintanasilp said his company initially planned to work as a master content-management company for public agencies and ministries that want to run public channels. The ministries of Interior Affairs, Public Health and Education, Parliament, and universities are examples of those planning to become public TV broadcasters.

Though it was not feasible for MCOT to obtain a permit for public TV because of the regulations, this provides a business opportunity for the company to provide content-management services for new public broadcasters.

"MCOT has strength in such management as it has been in the industry for more than 45 years," Sura said. "We strongly believe that our high experience and expertise can help those new broadcasters start their public TV stations."

Among its three commercial digital terrestrial TV channels, the news/information channel will be the biggest source of revenue for MCOT as it has the Thai News Agency as a powerhouse.

This news/information channel and the one offering general programming will be fully owned and operated by MCOT, while the channel for children's programmes will be open for outside content producers, the executive said.

Previously, MCOT planned to run five digital terrestrial TV channels for news, leisure and travel, children and family, sport and career programmes, and a public TV channel.

MCOT is also keen to obtain permits to provide infrastructure and network facilities, Sura said.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Amino acid studies may aid battle against citrus greening disease

Jan. 14, 2013 ? Amino acids in orange juice might reveal secrets to the successful attack strategy of the plant pathogen that causes citrus greening disease, also known as Huanglongbing or HLB. Studies of these amino acids by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) chemist Andrew P. Breksa III and University of California-Davis professor Carolyn M. Slupsky may pave the way to a safe, effective, environmentally friendly approach to undermine Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the microbial culprit behind HLB.

For a 2012 study in the Journal of Proteome Research, the scientists used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the amino acid composition of juice from oranges grown on HLB-positive or HLB-negative trees. Their investigation is apparently the first to use this technology for that purpose, according to the researchers.

The study yielded distinctive profiles of the kinds and amounts of 11 different amino acids in three types of oranges: fruit from healthy trees; symptom-free fruit from HLB-positive trees; and fruit, with HLB symptoms, from HLB-positive trees.

With further research, the profiles may prove to be a reliable, rapid and early indicator of the presence of the HLB pathogen in an orchard, according to Breksa. He is with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Western Regional Research Center in Albany, Calif. ARS is the USDA's chief intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security.

Breksa also noted that the profiles may reveal clues to mechanisms underlying the microbe's mostly unknown mode of attack. For instance, if the HLB pathogen were causing havoc with the trees' ability to create, use and recycle amino acids, scientists might be able to use that information as a starting point for a counterattack strategy.

Phenylalanine may be a case in point. An orange tree can convert this amino acid into cinnamic acid, a precursor to compounds thought to be important to the tree's defense system. But the researchers found that juice squeezed from oranges of HLB-positive trees had significantly higher concentrations of phenylalanine, which suggests that the HLB pathogen may have interfered with the tree's conversion of phenylalanine to cinnamic acid.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by United States Department of Agriculture - Research, Education and Economics.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Anne M. Slisz, Andrew P. Breksa, Darya O. Mishchuk, Greg McCollum, Carolyn M. Slupsky. Metabolomic Analysis of Citrus Infection by ?CandidatusLiberibacter? Reveals Insight into Pathogenicity. Journal of Proteome Research, 2012; 11 (8): 4223 DOI: 10.1021/pr300350x

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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One-Third of Americans Turn to Online Sources for Health Information

In a nationwide survey conducted Aug. 7 through Sept. 6 of more than 3,000 people, answers to survey questions revealed 35 percent of Americans revealed they have gone at least once to the Internet to determine what a medical condition might be for themselves or someone they know.

Interesting Data Obtained in Pew Research Center Survey

The survey was conducted as part of the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project by Princeton Survey Research Associates International . Approximately half of the interviews were conducted over landline phones, the other half via cell phones; interviews were conducted in either English or Spanish.

Of the 35 percent of respondents who revealed themselves to be "online diagnosers," as the Pew Research Center calls them -- self-diagnosers -- 46 percent said that the health information found online lead them to consult a medical professional, 38 percent said the online material lead them to believe it was a health condition they could manage on their own and 11 percent say the information they learned lead them to do both or did something in between the two.

How Accurate Is Online Health Information?

Of those who sought assistance from a medical professional after self-diagnosing online, 41 percent said the diagnosis they'd determined was confirmed by the medical professional; 18 percent said the health professional either did not agree with the self-diagnosis or offered another opinion; 2 percent acknowledged the medical professional partially concurred with the self-diagnosis; and 1 percent revealed that their visit to a medical professional lead to inconclusive results.

Thirty-five percent of self-diagnosers did not seek an opinion from a medical professional, meaning there is no way to confirm or disprove the online diagnosis these respondents determined for themselves or someone else.

Who Are the People Most Likely to Seek Potential Online Diagnoses?

The Pew Research Center's study found that women are more likely than men to look for health information online that could lead them to finding a diagnosis for a health condition. Younger people, rather than baby boomers and their seniors, more often look to the Internet for health information leading to a diagnosis and white people are more likely to use the online resources than people of other races.

Education and income levels also figure into who is more likely to seek online health information, with those people with a college education or advanced degree more likely to than their less formally educated counterparts and people who live in households earning $75,000 per year or more choose the Internet for health information more often than those of lower income levels.

Bottom Line

Search engines were the top choice of Internet users seeking online health information. The results obtained in a search engine query frequently range anywhere from the outrageous to the truly scientific and accurate health information. The quality of the search results chosen are likely to affect decisions the searcher makes about any future actions to be taken. Let's hope that most people err on the side of caution when determining whether to consult a medical professional for all but the most mundane conditions.

On the other hand, might such online searches for first aid for a rash or what to do if you drop a hammer on your toe not be viable tools in the search for ways to reduce health care costs? Might it keep some people from seeking what would be unnecessary professional medical care, reducing the stress on emergency rooms and urgent care centers?


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The BUZZ: Royal portrait criticism, Miss Alabama announces photo shoot and an epic twitter feud

by WHAS11

Posted on January 11, 2013 at 5:14 PM

Updated Friday, Jan 11 at 5:21 PM

The BUZZ January 11:

-Lady Gaga versus the Osbornes

-Jennifer Lawrence keeps winning

-New music from some old favorites

-Justin Timberlake bring "sexy back"

-Miss Alabama to do a photo shoot with Sports Illustrated

--Royal portrait criticized

It's all in the BUZZ with Good Morning Kentuckiana's Kelsey Starks.


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Exclusive: Brazil wants Venezuela election if Chavez dies - sources

SAO PAULO/BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil is urging Venezuela's government to hold elections as quickly as possible if President Hugo Chavez dies, senior officials told Reuters on Monday, a major intervention by Latin America's regional powerhouse that could help ensure a smoother leadership transition in Caracas.

Brazilian officials have expressed their wishes directly to Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro, the officials said on condition of anonymity. Chavez has designated Maduro as his preferred successor if he loses his battle with cancer.

"We are explicitly saying that if Chavez dies, we would like to see elections as soon as possible," one official said. "We think that's the best way to ensure a peaceful democratic transition, which is Brazil's main desire."

Chavez is in Cuba receiving cancer treatment and he has not been seen in public for a month, prompting speculation that he is near death.

Venezuela's constitution says a new election must be held within 30 days if the president dies. Before leaving for Cuba, Chavez urged Venezuelans to back Maduro should the cancer leave him incapacitated, and Chavez's backers and the opposition appear to be preparing behind the scenes for a possible new vote.

Yet some foreign officials in the region, and some activists in more radical Venezuelan opposition circles, have privately expressed fears that the government could bend the rules if it wants, especially if polls show Maduro might lose.

The Supreme Court's controversial decision to postpone Chavez's inauguration last week reinforced concerns that loopholes could be used to keep the current government in power.

Venezuela's government said Sunday that Chavez's health has improved somewhat, though his lung infection still requires special care.

Brazil's stance on Venezuela is critical because it is by far Latin America's biggest country and it enjoys growing economic and diplomatic clout in the region.

Its president, Dilma Rousseff, is a moderate leftist whose party has strongly supported Chavez over the past decade. Yet she is also perceived as neutral and democratic enough to be a credible broker in helping Venezuela chart a path forward if a political crisis erupts.

The Brazilians have also communicated their desire for quick elections via "emissaries" to main opposition leader Henrique Capriles. By clearly supporting a democratic solution now, they hope to dissuade Capriles and others from inciting civil unrest in the event Chavez dies, the officials said.

"We're working very hard to ensure there's peace," the first official said.

Capriles, whom most assume would run against Maduro in an election, has so far taken a relatively subdued tone despite the political uncertainty. He said last week that Chavez's supporters would "win" politically if there was a violent confrontation.


Brazil is keeping the United States apprised of its efforts, and is hoping to convince Washington to allow it to take the lead in managing a potential leadership transition in Venezuela. Chavez is one of the world's most vocal anti-U.S. leaders, and the Brazilian officials said they fear that any direct U.S. intervention in Venezuelan affairs could backfire.

Venezuela's opposition is demanding that Chavez step aside and name a caretaker president while he recovers - but those complaints have so far been ignored by governments around the region, including the Rousseff administration.

Brazil's push for quick elections in a post-Chavez Venezuela marks another important step in its emergence as a diplomatic heavyweight and champion of democracy in Latin America. Rousseff led a strong regional backlash last year when Paraguay's Congress impeached and removed then-President Fernando Lugo.

Under Rousseff's predecessor and mentor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil also took a proactive role in trying to resolve a political crisis in Honduras following the ouster of former President Manuel Zelaya in 2009.

Previously, Brazil had been more shy about taking the lead in regional crises, preferring to emphasize the right of countries to determine their own fates - long the bedrock principle of Brazilian diplomacy.

Lula, who remains an influential power broker in the region, will travel later this month to Cuba, where some speculate he could meet with Chavez, his longtime friend.

(Editing by Todd Benson and David Brunnstrom)


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Egypt court orders retrial for ex-president Mubarak

CAIRO: Egypt's Court of Cassation on Sunday accepted an appeal against the life sentence handed down to former president Hosni Mubarak for his involvement in the deaths of protesters in 2011 and ordered a retrial.

Mubarak, his two sons Alaa and Gamal, his former interior minister and top security chiefs will now face a new trial, the court said after a very brief hearing.

The ruling was met with cries of "Long live justice!" by Mubarak supporters who held up the former strongman's picture and hugged each other in the courtroom, with dozens more outside shouting "We love you, president!"

Mubarak, his sons and former interior minister Habib al-Adly will remain in jail, however, as they still face separate cases.


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Develop A Quality Plan With These Self Help Tips |

If you are considering an effort of personal development, doing a little research first would benefit you. Read on for some great tips on developing yourself to become a better person.

Identifying your personal values are the stepping stone to figuring out a self improvement plan that works for you. It doesn?t make any sense to focus on things that your value set does not include. So instead, you should spend your efforts on things in your life that match up with your values. If you do this, you can make lifelong positive changes, both personally and professionally.

Your physical limitations should be your guide when working toward achieving a goal. Trying your hardest and doing your best are important, but not important enough to ignore the warning signs of an impending limit. Don?t neglect your body when your are striving to meet your goal. It is never a good idea to sacrifice your body in favor of your goals.

It takes willpower to increase the goodness of your life, so if you spread that to others, you can get some too. Try to only want good things to happen to other people. If you endeavor to be positive about all things, then that positivity will come back to you.

If you are anxious about social interactions, try just going to a movie with a friend. This gives you the opportunity to engage in a social activity that does not have a lot of risk. It also helps you acclimate yourself to being in a crowd.

The true path to personal development is one of consciously choosing beneficial change. If we want to grow or change, we have to accept and choose the change.

Dealing with situations rationally is a skill that you can learn from others or teach yourself. If you learn to stay calm during stressful times, you will have the confidence you need to face almost anything in your life. Take the time to relax and take some deep breaths.

When working on self improvement strive to achieve a high level of self discipline. Teach yourself how to overrule your body?s desire for things that can harm you. Overcome your body?s desire to overindulge in pleasure. Eating is uncomfortable and unhealthy when it becomes overeating; lustful or drunken behavior will harm your body as well. By having restraint and self-control, you?ll have the ability to prevent these harmful habits from harming your body and mind.

You can?t please all of the people, and there?s no use in trying. Please yourself first! This doesn?t mean that you should only think of yourself, especially if it hurts others, but you often have to put yourself first or no one else will. You should never sacrifice your beliefs in the search for happiness.

For people with serious problems, therapy may be the best answer. Self help books can help you, but do not expect these methods to replace a doctor who can assess your situation personally. Simply talking can help motivate you to succeed. A self-help book simply cannot provide the human interaction afforded by a therapist or counselor.

Make all personal development goals specific so that they will lead you to success. If you have specific goals in mind, you will be better able to break down the path to accomplish this feat. If you are focused on your goals, then the obstacles between you and them will be easier to overcome.

Focus on the things that you have determined are most important to you. The key to attaining inner peace is knowing what really matters and finding the good in what you have.

If you want to enhance your approach to personal development, learn to be humble. Realizing your place in the big scheme of things is freeing. You will begin to understand that there are many ways to improve. When you know this deep inside, you?ll have a craving for all of that knowledge and experience that you lack.

Treat all people with respect and kindness. The way you behave toward others has more to do with your personality than with anything they say or do.

You need to know that you deserve the best when you are embarking on a journey of personal development. Believe that you should do the best for yourself. When your journey is complete, you will realize how important it was to give things your all.

We are all imperfect humans and we make mistakes in our choices every now and then, such as eating the wrong foods. Allowing stressful situations to build can be as harmful as eating an unhealthy diet, and therefore, it is important to remind yourself to maintain perspective and your calm at all times.

As stated in the introduction, personal development consists of expanding your knowledge. It?s up to you to take the knowledge you gain and apply it to your life, though. There are many ways to begin personal growth. You can start to feel better about yourself when you put this information into action.

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